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Another new beginning!

After most of the initial rounds of content edits for my latest novel, I'm excited to announce that I'm ready to begin my next project.

I've always loved the way Jesus calls Himself our "Good Shepherd". When I first became a Christian at sixteen, I had no idea what a shepherd did for his sheep. Granted, I had read Psalm 23 by that point and knew about green pastures, still waters, and leading us through the valley of death. Those things made up my basic understanding of sheep and shepherd and how I saw God as a Good Shepherd.

Over the years, I've learned more about our Good Shepherd and His sheep. Though the information has come in bits and pieces over various sermons and bouts of research, I've put together how utterly stupid sheep are. And how I am sadly one of those sheep.

I wish I would have known more about what it meant for Jesus to be our Good Shepherd when I first became a Christian. It truly would have helped me understand more about my faith and wonderful Savior. I think I would have learned to rest in His loving arms much sooner, even when I'm in the shadow of the valley of death. With a Good Shepherd leading, there truly is nothing to fear.

That being said, my next project has quite a bit to do with the photo above and the explanation I've provided (hint, hint). All my research about 1st Century shepherds will now be able to come to life in such a way as to give my readers a better understanding of what it means for sheep to have a Good Shepherd.

Stay tuned, more updates to follow :)

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